Passion is the fuel that drives us to want to do more and do it better.

Passion is the fuel that drives us to want to do more and do it better.

Passion is the fuel that
drives us to want to

do more and do it better.

What client pain points do you address?

What client pain points do you address?

What client pain points do you address?

You probably here


Are you stumped when it comes to getting pre-qualified seller appointments?

You’ve definitely tried cold calling, door knocking, and driving for dollars…

Maybe you’ve even run some FB Ads…

Or hired an inexperienced kid with an internet connection and a sales script…

Who promised the moon then disappeared when it came time to deliver.

Sound familiar?

There’s no question that you CAN be successful with anyone of the methods listed above.

But what’s the cost?

Tens of thousands of dollars paid to coaches and gurus who place a massive to-do list in your lap?

Is it the TIME you spend working IN your business when you’d rather be with your family?

Or wasted time wading through the endless options resulting in doing nothing because how can you even REALLY know what’s BS and what’s real?

Let’s imagine for a second that getting motivated sellers into a conversation was EASY...

Time is no longer an issue for you

That motivation and drive you used to feel is now hitting you like a lightning bolt the second your alarm rings

And you’re more focused than ever before

How do you go from Point A (where you’re at now) struggling to find a company who actually has your best interests at heart


Where you want to go


You probably here


Are you stumped when it comes to getting pre-qualified seller appointments?

You’ve definitely tried cold calling, door knocking, and driving for dollars…

Maybe you’ve even run some FB Ads…

Or hired an inexperienced kid with an internet connection and a sales script…

Who promised the moon then disappeared when it came time to deliver.

Sound familiar?

There’s no question that you CAN be successful with anyone of the methods listed above.

But what’s the cost?

Tens of thousands of dollars paid to coaches and gurus who place a massive to-do list in your lap?

Is it the TIME you spend working IN your business when you’d rather be with your family?

Or wasted time wading through the endless options resulting in doing nothing because how can you even REALLY know what’s BS and what’s real?

Let’s imagine for a second that getting motivated sellers into a conversation was EASY...

Time is no longer an issue for you

That motivation and drive you used to feel is now hitting you like a lightning bolt the second your alarm rings

And you’re more focused than ever before

How do you go from Point A (where you’re at now) struggling to find a company who actually has your best interests at heart


Where you want to go


You probably here


Are you stumped when it comes to getting pre-qualified seller appointments?

You’ve definitely tried cold calling, door knocking, and driving for dollars…

Maybe you’ve even run some FB Ads…

Or hired an inexperienced kid with an internet connection and a sales script…

Who promised the moon then disappeared when it came time to deliver.

Sound familiar?

There’s no question that you CAN be successful with anyone of the methods listed above.

But what’s the cost?

Tens of thousands of dollars paid to coaches and gurus who place a massive to-do list in your lap?

Is it the TIME you spend working IN your business when you’d rather be with your family?

Or wasted time wading through the endless options resulting in doing nothing because how can you even REALLY know what’s BS and what’s real?

Let’s imagine for a second that getting motivated sellers into a conversation was EASY...

Time is no longer an issue for you

That motivation and drive you used to feel is now hitting you like a lightning bolt the second your alarm rings

And you’re more focused than ever before

How do you go from Point A (where you’re at now) struggling to find a company who actually has your best interests at heart



Where you want to go

A few things you’ll need first…

Turns out we’re offering EXACTLY that! 🙂

A few things you’ll need first…

Turns out we’re offering EXACTLY that! 🙂

A few things you’ll need first…

Turns out we’re offering EXACTLY that! 🙂


that you might need for your business

Automated Campaigns

Real Estate VA Training

Lead Generation



that you might need for your business

Automated Campaigns

Real Estate VA Training

Lead Generation



that you might need for your business

Automated Campaigns

Real Estate VA Training

Lead Generation


How it works?


How it works?


How it works?


How Much Does It Cost?

There are a few things that we have to factor in our quote.

That is why it is not a one size fits all. It will all depend on what talent you need, how many, and the exchange rate.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are a few things that we have to factor in our quote.

That is why it is not a one size fits all. It will all depend on what talent you need, how many, and the exchange rate.

How Much Does It Cost?

There are a few things that we have to factor in our quote.

That is why it is not a one size fits all. It will all depend on what talent you need, how many, and the exchange rate.

Found what you're looking for?

Get started today

Found what you're looking for?

Get started today

Found what you're
looking for?

Get started today


Company Number: 8188394339
Official US Virtual Address: 5013 S Louise Ave #1013 Sioux Falls SD 57108 Philippines Headquarter Address: 7 M. Sanga Street, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila

© 2022 JTVA LLC All Rights Reserved.


Company Number: 8188394339
Official US Virtual Address: 5013 S Louise Ave #1013 Sioux Falls SD 57108 Philippines Headquarter Address: 7 M. Sanga Street, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila


Company Number: 8188394339
Official US Virtual Address: 5013 S Louise Ave #1013 Sioux Falls SD 57108 Philippines Headquarter Address: 7 M. Sanga Street, Taguig, 1630 Metro Manila

© 2022 JTVA LLC All Rights Reserved.​